Women Have Issues

 God Has Answers

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Dear God, I hate Christmas.

When I think of celebrating Christmas, sadness wraps around me like a heavy, drab coat. Commercials show sleigh rides and singing choirs, but my home has always been filled with arguments, complaints, and drunken relatives. Christmas joy remains an elusive dream about a happy family joined together by loving hearts for a meal of turkey with all the trimmings.

Instead, endless difficulties dash my hopes. Why separation? Where do I hide from the mounting bills? How do I make sense of my fragmented life?

In the midst of all this chaos, I want to scream, "Why doesn't anybody care?"

This holiday season, instead of love and laughter, dreadful hollow days and lonely nights await. I'll sit home alone with a peanut butter sandwich on stale bread.

God, with all hope lost how do I survive the month of December?

My friend Elizabeth wrote this letter to God, but I know how she feels. I experienced loneliness at Christmas because of divorce. Bad things aren't supposed to happen at Christmas! The day life should be perfect. The day families should be happy. The epitome-day of celebrating.

Have you every suffered through Christmas alone, sad, or angry at Grinchy people and unmanageable circumstances in your life? What do you do? Where do you go with all those difficult emotions that don't match a Hallmark Christmas?

Psalm 55:17 NLT
         Morning, noon, and night
         I cry out in my distress,
         and the Lord hears my voice.

When my heart breaks, I cry out to God, He listens. He answers me. He will answer you, too.

"My precious daughter, I hear you. Every difficult emotion and disappointment you express concerns Me. 

"The depth of your sorrow at Christmas stirs My compassion. As you suffer, My heart breaks, too. Your dysfunctional family behaved worlds apart from My intention. But don't lose heart, My precious one. As you mourn your fragmented life, I am here to comfort you and provide for your needs. I will lead you to peaceful streams and renew your strength. I promise to protect you and guide you along a new path until your life overflows with blessings.

Psalm 42:5a
     Why am I so discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God.

"Just as I spoke meaning into emptiness when I created the world, I am eager to transform your life into a purposeful journey. If you are ready to put aside all that has passed and find hope, then I have the perfect Christmas present for you tucked into a true story written by a doctor named Luke. Curl up with me now as I share--My heart to yours.

"Once upon a time, long, long ago, I sent My angel Gabriel to visit a young woman named Mary, who was engaged to a man named Joseph.

"The angel spoke to Mary, "Greetings to you highly favored woman. The Lord is with you. Mary, startled by the visitation, wondered what the angel meant.

"Gabriel said, 'Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. You will conceive and give birth to a son and name him Jesus. He will be great among men and shall be called 'Son of the Most High' for the Lord God will give him the throne of his Father. He will reign forever. His Kingdom will never end.

"Mary, confused by the angel's words, asked, 'How could this happen since I am a virgin?

"Gabriel answered, ' The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of God Almighty will overshadow you.
The Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God. For nothing is impossible with God.

"Mary said, 'I am the Lord's servant. Let it be as you say." The angel left Mary to her own thoughts as she praised the Lord.

"So it came to pass . . . during the third trimester of Mary's pregnancy Joseph took her to Bethlehem to register for a census required by the laws of those times. While they were there, Mary gave birth to her firstborn, a son, and they named him Jesus.

As you read my blog you may be thinking, "Why would God tell me this story? What does my blue Christmas have to do with the birth of a baby named Jesus a million years ago?

This story, called The Gospel of Luke, reveals the true meaning and mystery of Christmas. The truth is, these events occurred to restore your relationship with God. Jesus was born fully human to a woman named Mary, conceived by God Almighty through the Holy Spirit. He grew into a man who never sinned. The day Jesus was born marked the day God came from Heaven to earth for you.

Jesus is God's Christmas present to you. Will you accept His gift?

***This blog is an excerpt from my book Dear God I'm Desperate: Women Have Issues. God Has Answers.

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